
    Need Help?

    The amount of requirements on a modern director of bands are extensive.  Most of the time there are simply not enough hours in the day to get through everything you need to do. If you need help, or just need a second set of ears and eyes lets talk. We can discuss your program’s needs and what is the best way to success

      Overall Consulting

      We'll step back and take a broad of your program's current state.  We can then take inventory of everything and where we want to end up.  Then we'll take the pieces and parts and build the championship level ensemble you want.

      There's nothing like being there in person and working with the students and staff.  Either through a full ensemble rehearsal or having an open discussion staff meeting to work through techniques.  Being on the ground working in direct contact can be the most effective way to get better.

      On Site Teaching & Clinics

      Planning & Schedule Writing

      From either hitting your "moments" or building tempo consistency.  Writing a smart rehearsal schedule can truly make or break the growth arc of your ensemble.  Let's talk about how a properly written schedule can help you reach your rehearsal goals and keep your students full engaged from start to finish. 

      Master teachers know how to teach.  But rehearsing an ensemble outside can create new challenges that may not seem immediately visible.  We can work through etiquette concepts and approaches that will make your ensemble stronger. 

      Rehearsal Etiquette & Pedagogy

      Producing & Production Consulting

      Bringing your show to life can be the most fun part of the process and also the most intimidating.  We can work hand in hand and go through the show to find places to enhance.  Music tweaks, Visual edits or Drill rewrites.  Every possibility can be on the table to max out the show 

      Reach your goals